Stephanie Taiwanese Actress

Stephanie Photo

English name: Stephanie
Birthday: On December 27
Height: 168cm
Body weight: 49kg
Blood-group: O
Constellation: Capricorn
Management performance:
Taiwan character and style (CTS)
Super traveller (solar leisure Taiwan)
Taiwan first-level stick (solar leisure Taiwan)
The Taiwan character and style sends (solar leisure Taiwan)
The electricity tours the great-hearted (round the world television station)
Taiwan legend (earth)
Leisure good destination (sun Wei Shi)
Travel of the beautiful soup (sun Wei Shi)
Television performance:
"Autumn's Fairy tale"
Stayed-cable bridge:
Woman fragrance
The advertisement speaks on another's behalf:
The water hot spring clubhouse year speaks on another's behalf
Fuji roll film television advertisement����
Taiwan mobile phone television advertisement


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